Interview with Prof. Ender Konukoglu

Ender Konukoglu talks about his research at the intersection of medicine and engineering and about the challenges that arise when linking these two forward-​looking fields.

"We write algorithms in order to interpret biomedical images, aiming to make them as useful as possible for healthcare applications. There are actually two aspects to it:
One aspect is the application and the fact that healthcare has become more and more data-​driven in general. The advantage is that this way medicine depends less on the experience of only one person, a doctor for example, which generally leads to a more accurate and precise treatment. The disadvantage comes at a huge cost, though, as the datasets are very large. Hence, we use machine learning techniques to make them more accessible and easier to manage.
The second aspect comes from the scientific problem to understand how human perception works. Medical imaging is a fantastic application for it, as our goal is to understand why things that are so easy for us are so difficult for a computer".

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