Running Projects
Title: AENEAS: Development of an automated, machine-vision based, real-time anatomical identification and surgical guidance software for intraoperative use inendoscopic and microscopic neurosurgery
Runtime of the project: 01.02.2024 -31.01.2027
Main PI: Carlo Serra (UZH)
Co PIs:
Ender Konukoglu (ETHZ)
Luca Paolo Eugenio Regli (Klinik für Neurochirurgie Universitätsspital Zürich)
Dr. Seungjun Ryu (NHIS Hospita Department of Neurosurgery Education Cooperation YonseiCollege of Medi, Seoul)
Project Partner:
Dr. Victor Staartjes (MICN Lab Department of Neurosurgery, USZ Zurich)
Project Funding Body: SNF
Runtime of the project: 01.12.2022 -30.11.2025
Project Funding Body: PHRT/ETH
Main-PI: Prof. Grégoire Courtine (EPFL)
Co-PIs: Prof. Ender Konukoglu, Dr. Guillaume Obozinski (SDSC), Prof. Jocelyne Bloch (Lausanne University Hospital), Dr. Esra Neufeld (IT'IS foundation), Dr. John Murphy (onward Medical)